Prevent Fading & UV Damage with Window Film in Riverside

UV rays are a silent hazard that harms human skin and eyes, as well as our personal belongings like furniture and hardwood floors. However, this may be prevented by simply having UV-blocking window film installed in your Riverside home or business. Window film is an amazing invention that filters out 99.9 percent of the sun’s harmful radiation while allowing beneficial visible light to pass through. Thanks to UV-blocking window film, you can keep UV radiation out without sacrificing the brightness of your space or the clarity of your windows.

How UV-Blocking Window Film Works

The newest generation of UV-blocking window film, which is more technologically advanced than ever before, allows property owners to safeguard their space from the sun without darkening windows. These wonderful films function by detecting UV radiation from visible light rays and preventing them from entering the window, while at the same time allowing in harmless rays. These films are known as “spectrally selective.” They are applied to one side of the glass with a non-toxic adhesive that bonds the film to the window for up to ten years or longer to block harmful UV radiation.

UV Blocking Window Film for Fade Protection in Riverside

Sun damage from exposure to UV radiation is the leading cause of fading. Floors and furnishings become damaged on a cellular level as they are exposed to the sun, resulting in irreversible damage. Eventually, these items will need to be replaced due to fading, chipping, flaking, and deterioration. However, by installing UV-resistant window film on your Riverside home or company, you can preserve your furnishings while also avoiding costly replacements.

Some of the top benefits of UV-blocking window film are:

  • Blocks up to 99.9% of UV rays which cause fading
  • Prevents heat damage and warping
  • Preserves the value of buildings, merchandise, and furniture
  • Makes furniture look newer for longer
  • Protects artwork, rugs, and other colorful decorations
  • Preserves books, artifacts, and historical documents

Protect Your Health & Peace of Mind

UV radiation is hazardous to human health. Our skin, eyes, and hair can be permanently harmed when they are exposed to the sun for a long period of time. According to scientific research, there is a link between skin cancer and UV exposure. Regular glass does not block UV rays, so even if you stay out of the sun outdoors you are still exposed in your home or place of business. So, by adding UV protection window film inside your Riverside house or workplace where you spend most of your day, you protect yourself and those you love from ailments caused by UV radiation.

  • Protects against UV rays which cause skin cancer
  • Recommended by the Skin Care Foundation
  • Prevents diseases such as cataracts, melanoma, and immune system suppression
  • Protects you from UV rays without making your home or building dark inside

Get a Quote on UV Blocking Window Film in Riverside

We can assist you in getting the UV protection you require for your Riverside house or business. We have years of expertise installing these films to ensure maximum strength and durability. We also provide a wide range of solar control window films to fit any size or type of space. Call us now to acquire an estimate on UV blocking window film in this area or to schedule a complimentary consultation with one of our specialists.