Riverside’s Number One Source for C-Bond Systems

We are the area’s leading C-bond supplier. We utilize it in all of our security system installations, and we are pleased to be a C-bond partner. When used with high-tech security films, it provides excellent protection against catastrophes, including earthquakes, explosions, and bullets. The safety and security systems created using C-bond 2 adhesive with security window film are the first step towards creating safer Riverside working and living environments.

About C-Bond Systems

C-Bond 2 is a cutting-edge material that’s revolutionizing the way glass security systems are created. After years of study, a group of nanotechnology researchers and scientists developed C-Bond. It’s a sophisticated primer that uses nanotechnology to improve glass shattering resistance by strengthening it molecularly. C-Bond 2 adhesive goes deep into the glass’s pores and builds a more robust structure on an atomic level, eliminating inherent flaws in the glass, which improves breakage resistance.

C-bond Performance Guide Riverside

C-bond Spec sheet Riverside

The Benefits of C-Bond Systems for Your Riverside Property

C-Bonds security systems may be utilized in a variety of situations. They’re ideal for creating safer homes, schools, and businesses because they are a cost-effective way to produce tempered glass. They also make it more difficult for attackers to break through windows with weapons or explosives.

The C-bond 2 is the first nanotechnology product tested and proven to improve glass performance while also improving strength.

  • Comprehensive protection against natural disasters, severe weather, and hail
  • Deters intruders and smash-and-grabs by creating a shatter-resistant glass barrier
  • Improves the performance of all window film products
  • Resistance for gunfire, blasts, explosions, and more

Work with a C-Bond Systems Window Film Partner in Riverside

We always install C-bond 2 adhesives in our safety and security window film installations. It can also be used with other sorts of window films to improve their longevity and durability too. If you want to learn more about C-bond adhesive or a security window film system, contact us right away. We’re always delighted to answer any questions regarding our products or provide pricing estimates for any of our services. We also offer free on-site consultations where one of our experts will visit your Riverside location to discuss our wide selection of high-quality window films and accessories.